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Preparation Courses for the Studienkolleg Hamburg / Telc B2

245 €

UNS offers a preparatory course for the Studienkolleg entrance exam twice a year. Interested students should have language skills on level B2 or higher.


  • Intensive training of the exam parts (C-test, Gap test)
  • Vocabulary and grammar exercises
  • Teaching of solution strategies
  • Exam simulation at the level of the Studienkolleg exam
  • 4-week courses in the morning, afternoon and on weekends
  • Additional math preparation and grammar training bookable
  • Information and model test at
Course extent:

2 x a week (Mon, Wed) from 09.45 – 14.00 / 14.45 – 19.00

2x on weekends (Sat, Sun) from 10.00 – 14.15

40 hours in 4 weeks

1UE = 6 €

Course fee 245,00 € course fee (excl. material)

Courses Start End Telc B2 exam date + (registration deadlines)
/ 28./29. January 2023 (13.01.2023)
SKV 1 03.07.2023 19.07.2023 22./23. July 2023 (03.07.2023)
SKV 2 27.11.2023 13.12.2023 16./17. December 2023 (24.11.2023)

To prepare for the entrance exams at German Studienkollegs, we recommend that you take our general online Studienkolleg preparation course. Here you can prepare for the exam tasks that await you in your exam in a targeted manner and using authentic exam examples. The course includes training for all relevant Studienkolleg exams in Germany.


Online Studienkolleg

Preparation Courses for the Studienkolleg Hamburg / Telc B2

Please fill out the form below to purchase.

Note: Please note your password down and don't forget it. You will have to use the same password in the placement test later.